My Why

Photography is a tangible form of nostalgia. A moment that we deem important enough to want to remember. My journey as a Denver based documentary photographer began because of childhood nostalgia and love of story telling. My mom raised us as a single mother and we don’t have many images of her from our childhood years and into our teens years. It’s easy to go through albums and see us growing and living life but she wasn’t in a lot of those images because she was the one taking the photos. Her identity became ours for a long time and I wish I had more of her. As a family, portrait & wedding photographer I specialize in customized lifestyle photography to help tell your story. I love the organic moments that share who you are and what you love or how you and your loved ones connect. I want your kiddos & the people who love you to be able to look back at those memories and see you in them living life and finding your joy. I hold a deep belief that we are ALL worthy of being photographed, being documented. We all have a story to tell & that story is important.

About Me

I picked up photography back in 2010 and have had a love affair ever since. I specialize in documenting connection. As a Denver lifestyle photographer I enjoy creating imagery of my clients in real moments. I believe connection in itself is worthy of being documented. I like to find the grit beneath the picture perfect moment because that’s usually were we can settle into our true selves.

I have a true appreciation for emotion. I have a deep desire to do right in this crazy wild world. When I asked my husband what three words described me he said, “Must love dogs.” Our dogs bring us so much joy. I’m a pretty avid reader and love a good fantasy fiction or memoir. I love to learn about people and hear their stories. Poetry helps me make sense of things. I relish simple days and quiet walks with my dogs. One of my happiest memories resides in the Milwaukee Art Museum when I got to wander a documentary photography exhibit and had the place to myself. I wept in a room full of Sally Mann’s work because in that moment I knew that the path I had chosen was exactly the right path for me. I think dried flowers are superior to fresh ones unless the fresh ones are from my garden. Gardening is my self love language. To be in a space that I work hard for that gives back to me is so rewarding. My husband is my most trusted and beloved person.


1: Show up with open hearts & a yes and mentality – I started adapting the yes and mentality into my sessions years ago. The idea comes from improv & basically means that whatever is handed to us we use and create from. Sessions are always unpredictable and full or surprises especially when working with kiddos & babies. Nothing is predictable. The weather may throw us for a loop, the light may not be what we envisioned.  I am a huge believer in taking what you have and making magic out of the ordinary. I don’t care if your kiddo has a tantrum of epic proportion during our session as long as you have an open heart when it’s happening and know that it doesn’t really matter. The real purpose behind your photography session is not perfection, it is authenticity. It’s just a moment and we’ll make it through! Photography sessions are overstimulating for all of us and the more you can incorporate a joyful mentality the easier it will be to lessen the overwhelming feelings this process can bring up.

2: Be powerful in who you are – YOU ARE WORTHY OF BEING DOCUMENTED. THIS is truth. YOU. YES YOU. YOU are worthy of being documented. And you are worthy of being confident in your identity while being documented.

I adore my clients. I adore every person that lets me into their lives for a little glimpse of their connection so that I can create within it.

Bonus points if you include your pets and I get to snuggle them!

Incredible image of us on our wedding day taken by Nicola who owns and runs the incredible Old Black Kettle