“The Camera Is An Instrument That Teaches People How To See Without A Camera.” Dorothea Lange
Documenting within your love
Denver, CO // Beyond
My journey as a Denver documentary photographer stems from my childhood love of looking through our photo albums. I find myself seeking connection with my family in ways I don’t know that I understood until adulthood. I have a deep desire to give families the ability to connect in the same way. We have so many stories to share & I believe that photography is an incredible way to do just that.
I welcome all identities, cultures & abilities. I believe love is love and that all genders are beloved. I believe in integrity & respect. I believe that all bodies are beautiful. I believe that humans are beautiful, messy creatures and we are all worthy of being documented.
Read more about my sessions here
I firmly believe that what I do is collaborative creation. I cannot document how I do without the trust & openness my clients extend to me. My clients extend that to me with the understanding that I can create within it.
As a documentary photographer my focus is on the details of connection. I specialize in documenting clients in their homes, their creative spaces, in places that are special to them and tell their history. I want your session to spark a memory or a feeling. My sessions are often unscripted, unposed & full of connection and joy. I have found over the years that lifestyle & documentary sessions allow that energy to flow more naturally and those are the sessions I gravitate toward.
with my freckles and messy hair, bruised knee and chapped lips – this morning I am splendidly imperfect and alive
sabrina ward harrison

Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
Maya Angelou

About Kyla
Hi there! Thank you so very much for stopping by! I picked up photography back in 2010 and have had a love affair ever since. I specialize in creating photographs of connection.
My husband is my best friend, best support & I am so happy I get to do life with him. We have two dogs that we adopted into our family a few years back. Morning walks and adventures with them are the best.
I’m an avid listener of audiobooks & podcasts. Recent top reads include Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (forgiveness & friendship are such gifts), Legends & Lattes (An orc trades in the barbarian life for the life of a coffee shop and it’s so cute!), & Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed (When in need this book of advice often helps me find clarity). But if I’m honest I’ve been knee deep in the Outlander series for a HOT minute & I’ll probably be there for awhile.
Somewhere in between Buffy the Vampire Slayer (The Buffering the Vampire Slayer podcast is so good!), Summer Camp Island (look out for the dancing banana!), Anne with an E (nerd!), & Ted Lasso (why do I cry almost every episode!) is where my personality lies.
I believe connection is one of the most important parts of the human experience and I love that my work allows me to engage with people to document those connections.