Bring your dog. Just do it.
In the summer of 2021 my dear friend Regan over at Seraphim Fire Photography asked me to come do a documentary session with her family and their family dog, Bear. I’ve known this family for a few years and to say that they are some of my favorite people is an understatement. I am always deeply honored when I get to document them. Just a few short months after our session they had to say goodbye to their sweet Bear. Having lost our own dog just a year prior it really hit home with me how important it is to have our animals in our memories. Bear was beloved by everyone who met him and he was just the bestest of boys.
As a south Denver family photographer we have a million gorgeous areas to do sessions but I always like to use locations that mean a lot to my clients. This trail is one this family has spent a lot of time on since it’s right behind their neighborhood. Drew uses it for his firefighter strength training, Regan uses it to run and keep her mind balanced and well. Their boys use it for their childhood adventures. I know that when they look back at these images in years to come this location will continue to hold a special place in their hearts and I’m so glad I can document these spaces.
Stay tuned for another post with the in home portion of their family session.